
Kiša darova u Enigmariumu!!

Zaboravite na kišno vrijeme i dođite na nezaboravnu pustolovinu u Enigmarium®! Kod nas je uvijek sunčano - imamo samo kišu DAROVA! Svaku ekipu sve *do prvog praznika* očekuje lijep poklon koji će vam skratiti vrijeme i u narednim danima! POKLON? NE ČEKAJTE - REZERVIRAJTE >> Web: Tel: 01 581 04 01


Oboren je rekord sobe!

This fantastic couple from the Netherlands scored a record in our room! It's now set to 17:12. They were amazing, and we still can't believe it! Without a single hint, only two wise heads and four hands have found a passage to the 18th century, saved Barica and unlocked the door! Well done! ----- Ovaj [...]

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